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PASSERIVEST GROUP Supports Transparent Tenders

We do welcome and support the Platform for Transparent Public Tenders initiative. With an increase in transparency as well as effectiveness of tender processes, the corruption space will be significantly reduced. We perceive corruption as a big threat hindering the overall performance of the economy, souring market relations and, as a result and globally speaking, negatively affecting the state of the national economy, the national budget deficit and the moral state of society,” said Radim Passer, Chairman of the Board.
The aim of the initiative is to provide an outline of principles, based on a consensus, to be followed within tender processes, thanks to a legislative basis. Public tenders have been highly controversial media topics, especially for the last five years. The initiative, supported by the majority of influential and important political parties, companies and organizations, is designed to fight for the transparency and the establishment of a solid mechanism for public tender processes.

The Expert Group will have submitted – rather than a signed declaration – a joint proposal in the form of the description of a concrete solution, to the assembly consisting of the representatives of all the parties involved, by 7 May 2011, at the latest. All the Expert Group’s sessions are open to the public. After the assessment, the proposal will be accepted as a custom to be obeyed within all the public tender processes. The date of the submission of the proposal has been fixed to such a day that allows political parties to bring the proposal to a successful conclusion, regardless of the next election outcome and the composition of the new government.